July 7, 2003 Home Sales in Western Washington Rise Sharply From Year Ago
May 28, 2003 Your home's past, present and future value CNN Nationwide 5 year statistics with 1 year projections.
April 6, 2003 Home and real estate calendar
April 5, 2003 Can late payment prevent new home loan
April 5, 2003 No wartime halt for homebuyers
March 30, 2003 Is it OK to remodel a garage into a room-
March 23, 2003 Liability for tree damage depends on tree's health
March 6, 2003 Housing market kicks into high gear for active February
February 23, 2003 In uneven real-estate market, West Seattle and South King County win
February 23, 2003 Mortgage-insurance tax write-off- It's picking up momentum again
February 7, 2003 Big urban playground for south of downtown-
January 19, 2003 Appraisal off base- FHA proposal targets lenders
January 17, 2003 Home sales strong, prices up 6.3 percent in King County
January 12, 2003 The great debate- moving vs. remodeling
December 29, 2002 King County new-home prices will reflect sharp rise in near future
10, 2001 Home Sales Strong in
April; King County Dip (Seattle Times)
13, 2001 The Big Picture on Home Sales (Seattle Times)
13, 2001 Higher the price, slower to sell
13,2001 Cancel PMI if you can